
Vince Reyes
2 min readOct 1, 2023

Dear Kamille,

It’s funny how several months ago, you were just a stranger. When I met you, I wasn’t searching for a romantic relationship, let alone planning to get married. I even thought I’d grow old alone, miserable and grumpy. I already accepted that future–just me with a bottle of beer, and lonely. But little did I know, the Universe had something else in store for me.

It all started at work. You always message me to ask for help. It’s obvious you’re flirting with me. And I was too. As we spent more time together, I discovered you and I are pretty much the same. We are dreamers and we aim for a better future. Even though we’re not yet where we wanted to be, we keep on trying. I really like that about you. And somewhere along the way, I found myself opening up my heart again.

Now we are here, getting married for real. We’ll keep on chasing our dreams, but this time, together. And we’ll build a better future, not only for ourselves but especially for that little one inside your womb. And if I can promise you only one thing, it’s that through good times and bad, I’ll always be by your side.

See, it’s magical how several months ago, you were just a stranger. Then you became a friend, a partner, and my wife. But the most beautiful thing is from this moment until the rest of my life, you will be my home. I love you.

